Ground-nesting bird signs

From March-July we need to be extra careful to protect the nests of ground-nesting birds, such as Skylarks and Lapwings.

Curlews nest on the ground and so are particularly vulnerable to disturbance from walkers, cyclists and inquisitive pooches. Let's work together to make sure curlews have a successful nesting season by keeping to paths and having dogs on leads in nesting areas.

Please download one (or both!) of these signs, share them on social media and put them up on billboards near you to protect your local ground nesting birds.

If you would like A4, laminated copies of these signs pleaseĀ email Ellen, all you need to do is donate for postage.

Now also available in Welsh (further down this page), and as A3 corrugated plastic signs (one design only) via our shop (sold at cost price). If you are able to assist us to create these signs in more languages, please get in touch.

English language signs:

Poster designed by Lucy Kenner

Click image to download

Poster designed by Ellie Stacey

Click image to download

Arwyddion Cymraeg:

Poster wedi'i ddylunio gan Lucy Kenner

Cliciwch ar y llun i'w lawrlwytho

Poster wedi'i ddylunio gan Ellie Stacey

Cliciwch ar y llun i'w lawrlwytho
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