Curlew Action would not be here if it were not for the generous support of people across the UK and beyond. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their incredible support. In addition to our incredible patron, David Gray, there are a few key supporters who deserve a special mention.

Our incredible patron, David Gray, has supported Curlew Action with generous donations and given our small charity the chance to reach large new audiences.
"I am delighted to become a Patron of Curlew Action. These are desperate times for wildlife, but the idea of losing magical birds like the curlew from our landscape is just more than my heart can bear."
The initial funding that allowed Curlew Action to get off the ground was given by Restore Our Planet, who continue to support our work.
Curlew Action is excited to be partnering with Leica Sports Optics.

Simon Griffiths is an artist and sculpture. In 2022 Simon raised over £1000 for Curlew Action by raffling a beautiful curlew sculpture.

Wahkuna Vega is a luxury real estate agent living in the US. After hearing about Curlew Action at a David Gray event, Wahkuna put on her own dance show, raising over £4,500!

In 2021, Curlew Action was lucky to receive a grant from the Grocers’ Charity, giving us the opportunity to help build a fantastic collection of resources and training for fieldworkers and local volunteers.

Thanks to a grant given to us by the Garfield Weston Foundation in 2022 we have been able to ramp our outreach work up to a new level, campaigning, educating and lobbying for a future full of wildlife.

HebTroCo are a small UK based clothing company who make our beautiful curlew socks for us. They donate 100% of the profits to Curlew Action!