
An illustration of a Slender-billed Curlew. Over part of the top of the image, there is a red graphic and white text which says 'extinct' in all capital letters.

Slender-billed Curlew declared extinct

A paper published today, Monday 18th November, confirms the global extinction of the Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris). A close relation of the Eurasian Curlew (N. arquata), the last reliable sighting of the Slender-billed Curlew was in Morocco in February 1995, despite dedicated searches by ornithologists. The new paper is a collaboration between scientists from the

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A photo of bird silhouettes against a blue sky at sunset.

RSPB Curlew LIFE project and the North West Birdwatching Festival

On the 9th October I attended a day of talks and discussions in the Manor House Country Hotel near Enniskillen in Northern Ireland, organised by the EU-funded RSPB Curlew LIFE project. This was an ambitious undertaking over 4 years which focused on turning things around for Curlews in five important areas: Hadrian’s Wall and RSPB

RSPB Curlew LIFE project and the North West Birdwatching Festival Read More »

Aerial view of Sylt, surrounded by ocean, on a partially cloudy day.

Wading bird scientists flock together at Sylt

People who love waders, like the birds themselves, flock together in the autumn at the annual conference of the International Wader Study Group (IWSG). The range of attendees mirrored the diversity of wading birds scattered across the mudflats surrounding the island of Sylt off the northern coast of Germany, where the meeting was held. I

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