
A photo of bird silhouettes against a blue sky at sunset.

RSPB Curlew LIFE project and the North West Birdwatching Festival

On the 9th October I attended a day of talks and discussions in the Manor House Country Hotel near Enniskillen in Northern Ireland, organised by the EU-funded RSPB Curlew LIFE project. This was an ambitious undertaking over 4 years which focused on turning things around for Curlews in five important areas: Hadrian’s Wall and RSPB

RSPB Curlew LIFE project and the North West Birdwatching Festival Read More »

A photo of a Eurasian Curlew walking through water, with mud and water dripping from its long, curved bill

Colour-ringed Curlews on the Usk estuary

Curlew expert and Curlew Action trustee Mike Smart shares an update on colour-ringed Curlew sightings from his local patch on the Usk, how colour-ringing is helping ornithologists to understand Curlew movements, and requests sightings and photographs of colour-ringed Curlews on the Usk. Current status of Eurasian Curlew A British Birds article in 2015 [PDF available via

Colour-ringed Curlews on the Usk estuary Read More »

A photo of habitats at Farlington Marshes

What does the future hold for Farlington Marshes?

 Farlington Marshes Nature Reserve sits within Langstone Harbour, down on the busy south coast of Hampshire. Managed by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust since the 1960s, it forms one of the most important sites in the Solent for overwintering waders and wildfowl, as well as providing a very important role for local breeding

What does the future hold for Farlington Marshes? Read More »

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